Smoking has been used as a preservation method to prolong the shelf life of food. Besides this, it is used to achieve the characteristic taste and appearance of the product – smoked cheese has a distinctive, golden brown, soft crust and slightly smoked taste.
Smoking in food industry does not mean smoke and burning dry wood. Smoking takes place at a lower temperature, 16°C – 18°C. Product is not directly in contact with the burning wood. Smoking process is controlled automatically. During smoking the smoke is cooled in smokehouse air conditioner. This eliminates the undesired deposition of wood tar pyrolysis at the surface of smoked cheeses. All of our products undergo to the strict quality control output and safety. Products are regularly checked on the contents of benzopryrene components and has never been seen crossing their limits. Monitoring and registration parameters of smokehouse is provided according to standards EN ISO 9001:2009, HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points management) and the requirements of the food supervision authorities.
The quality of smoked product depends on quality of used wood, our cheese is smoked with beech wood chips, which gives them a delicious smoked flavor.